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While asking some survey questions to get input on what potential clients might want to see in a program on handling money powerfully and investing, I came across one answer that made my team laugh.

The person I was speaking with said they wanted to have a relationship with money that was so great they didn’t have to think about it.

Someone on the team said, “Like a wife?”

That’s when we started to laugh. Can you imagine saying something like, “I want to have a relationship with my wife that is so great I don’t even have to think about her.”

Now I am going to change genders as though this comment came from a woman. “I want to have a relationship with my husband that is so great I don’t even have to think about him.”

It doesn’t matter if it is a husband, wife, or even a same-sex couple, that is NOT how relationships work. Can you imagine if you didn’t think about your mate on their birthday, or their anniversary or Valentine’s Day? You get the picture.

And it is the same with your money.

We’re not talking about obsessing over your money, thinking about it all the time, but you must devote some attention to it.

Your relationship to money should be like what you would have with a loving mate, a relationship you cherish.

We recommend tracking your spending on a daily basis to see if you’re spending is in alignment with your financial goals.

To determine if you are doing that you can ask yourself questions like:

“If I didn’t have to work for a living, would I buy this?”

“Is spending money on this in alignment with my financial goals?”

“What causes could I have donated to instead of buying this, or paying for this?”

“If I didn’t have to work, would I buy this car, this clothing, this computer…?”

In future emails, I will list the answers from the prospective client surveys.

Until then, when it comes to handling money, what is your biggest frustration?

To Your Prosperity,
