There are many people in the financial advice space who will tell you how to make more money, get more clients and become wealthy. Some are wildly successful from growing seminar businesses or gathering money from other people to invest. Some write books, have TV shows, do podcasts, write columns or send out enough direct mail they could wipe out a forest.

How do you know who to trust with your money?

How about DO NOT trust anyone else with your money except yourself?

If you are on my list and have read any of my emails, then you know that I am comfortable financially. I am not a billionaire like Warren Buffet or Sheldon Adelson or Mark Zuckerberg. And do you really think you would, or could, have personal access to any one of them?

Our home is paid off. We have enough passive income that we not outlive it, and there will be plenty of money to pass on to our heirs. You can ask any advisor you might think about working with to share their personal financial situation with you. I am willing to do that. You could find out they need fees or commissions from YOU to pay their bills.

What do you want?

Do you want to:

  • Stop worrying about credit card bills?
  • Know you will always have enough to cover your bills?
  • Cover emergency expenses without using credit cards?
  • Dramatically grow your business and your income?
  • Feel comfortable about how and where you make investments?
  • Have your work be a choice instead of a requirement?

To learn how to do the above you can watch some of the videos on my website; you can fill out the forms that you got for free with a summary of my award winning, best-selling book; and if you want personal support, I am here to serve you. You can book a time to speak here:

As a reminder, because I am able to live on my passive income I donate 100% of the profits from my book, coaching and speaking to charity, mainly




** This article also featured on “Rise Up for You”