You have probably been impressed with some TED or TEDx talks that you have seen. Things about how the brain works, people who have either died or been near death and survived; ideas that are inspiring and worth sharing.

This relates to a journey I am on that will end, or begin depending on how you look at it, with a TEDx talk on philanthropy. I have never been good at memorizing anything, and I need to have this 12-minute talk memorized. Both excitement and panic are the feelings I am noticing.

I know my material; I can talk for hours on money, investing, wealth, real estate, you name it, but I am struggling to memorize something word for word.

The TEDx talk is titled, How Building Wealth with Purpose can Transform the World. And I am scheduled to deliver it for the first time on stage October 24, in Marshall, Texas at Wiley College.

In this talk, I speak about creating transformation in the world through philanthropy and how you need to have a purpose for becoming financially literate and creating personal wealth.

I talk about my purpose, which is to support the charity Shelter To Soldier. Here dogs are rescued and trained as service animals for post 9/11 soldiers who have come home with PTSD or Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI).

Please watch for the email after my talk when it is available to be seen on the TED website: and please view it and share it. In the meantime, here are three of my favorite TED talks that have nothing to do with money or wealth:

The Art of Asking:

How to be Happy:

What a brain scientist experiences when she has a stroke:

To Your Prosperity,
