Do you make lists?

Whether it is based on my OCD or just efficiency, I like lists.

Do you have a list for grocery shopping? It saves money and time.

Do you have a travel packing list? It can save you from forgetting something important.

One time my wife and I went to a destination wedding and I forgot underwear. Guess what? I didn’t use a list.

Do you do a To-Do list? This was the list that helped create my wealth. I made sure the 20% that would result in 80% of my success was on the list. I created it each evening prior to the day of my work.

This email was thought up as I was thinking about the cruise my wife and I were planning to the Mediterranean.

As I reviewed my list I was reminded to bring some books to leave on the ship’s library. They are MY books and this is a cheap way to create an impact and maybe a client. I actually did get an inquiry from doing this many years ago. However, I do not recall if it resulted in a client.

Are you bringing on your vacation the items that bring you convenience and comfort? Examples would be a hat, fan, or walking stick.

If you already make lists, you know how helpful they are.

And if you would like a copy of my travel list, email me at

To Your Prosperity,
