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Recently I was interviewed by Codrut Turcanu who was writing an article on business success and he interviewed 49 other successful people.

Here is the content of my answer to his question on what I saw as the most important ingredient to business success:

“I would say the most important process that a small business overlooks when it comes to growing beyond the founder is the idea that the founder has to do it all. Business growth, just like wealth creation, is a team sport, not a solo sport.

The founder needs to determine where they want to fit in, or not fit in at all.

If we use the example of an orchestra, does the founder want to be in the first violin position, be the conductor, or own the orchestra hall and have nothing to do with running the orchestra?

Once that is established he can determine who he or she needs to bring on board.
Support from a qualified Certified Public Accountant who has similar business clients would be a great team member to add. Also, a banker with similar clients could be a good addition. There are business coaches that could make good team members as well.

When I started over at age 50 I worked with my wife and a Realtor on my team, plus a contractor, painter, landscaper, roofer, plumber, and insurance agent. We all worked together and made money.”

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Business growth, just like wealth creation, is a team sport, not a solo sport. – Rennie Gabriel
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To your prosperity,
